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college student, dreamer, and lover

Monday, April 23, 2012

The "new" Mifflin

I love Mifflin. It is what I look forward to the most in the spring semester. It is a fun time when everyone gets together, friends or not. It is the beginning of spring and the end of the semester.

It hasn't even been 12 hours and the video by Lori Berquam has already gone viral (I'm pretty sure Minnesota is making fun of us already). If you have been hiding under a rock today here is what it is about: she warns people not to go to Mifflin Street Block party. It originated as a protest and has turned into an event all about drinking while telling us "just don't go" about 6 times.

I understand completely why the authorities and school figures do not want their students going to Mifflin, anyone with a right mind can "understand".  Bad things do happen, and people do make mistakes. Here is what I find amusing though, I feel as though she is using the same reasoning as not to have sex. "Just don't go". From what I know that just makes people want to do it more. Not telling people to go isn't going to stop anyone. Oh and having "Cinco de Mayo" as offensive isn't a valid point.

I also find it funny how she says "It makes smart people do dumb things." Maybe instead of putting down your student body why not try to talk about the dangers of going. I have gone for 2 years now and don't feel I have done anything too dumb and I have people I know that could say the same.

There is also the case of last year being too rowdy and now it has to be tranquilized. I'm sorry but last year was all due to how there were open intoxicants allowed in the streets. Because of something they decided, bad things happened and now we are getting punished for it. My freshman year there was the rule of nothing allowed on public property, people followed it and no one got stabbed.

Her video was a joke. No one took it seriously.  It didn't get anything accomplished and made us Wisconsin students look stupid.

Mifflin is going to happen, if they like it or not. If not on Mifflin then on Langdon, we all know how us Greeks like to party. People are going to drink, like it or not, we are in college, we like to have fun, and it's spring. Threatening us isn't the way to go though. Give us a safe environment to make sure we don't get too out of control and take care of your students instead of intentionally trying to make sure we have criminal records. But please, remember to stay safe and don't do anything you wouldn't want your mother to know you did.

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