About Me

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college student, dreamer, and lover

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Live righteously.

I'm in a very motivation mood today. Maybe in part I finished my Independent Project for my psychology class that have been working on since the second week of semester. (AND I TURNED IT IN!)
I chose this song not only because I love it, but I love the message portrays. I feel like there is so much today that make people feel bad about themselves, but why? Everyone should know that no matter what anyone says they are amazing. Never let anyone tell you differently. 


What do you all think of my SAF hat? It even has a Fanny Pack on it. Yeah. Ragin' hardcore.

I'm gonna watch Glee. Haven't seen this episode yet and I heard it was good. Love Glee. Especially Cory Monteith. This is our engagement picture ;)

MM tall, and can sing, yeah. 

"It's often just enough to be with someone. 
You dont need to touch them. Not even talk. 
A feeling passes between you both. 
You're not alone."
-Marilyn Monroe

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Inevitable Fates

Many believe, including me, that everything happens for a reason. Not necessarily the way you want them to go, but in the end things usually work out for the best. Yes, the journey there is usually very painful, and no one likes to get hurt, but everyone goes through it. I often wonder why things don't always go my way, while this may sound selfish everyone wonders. 
My answer is this; we're really not all that smart. If things went the way we wanted them to it would finalize into an even bigger mess. The couple months of suffering or pain will turn out to be worth it in the end. I'm not really sure if that makes sense but whenever something goes wrong I would like to think it is all for the better. People deserve to be happy and surrounded by those who make them that way. If someone doesn't treat you the way you believe you should be treated there is no reason to have them in your life. There are many people that would love to be your friend and treat you the right way so there is no reason to hang on to someone that doesn't. Enough of my rant. 

Marled pocket cardigan
How cute is this outfit?! I really want it. I miss shopping. At least summer is soon!

I got a care package in the mail today. Two weekends ago was my sororities Mom's weekend and of course I left my Ipod with my mom so I finally got it back. I also got about 3 pounds of Easter candy. YAY?

Comment if you think I should talk about something or what you think of my blog :)

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned"- Buddha

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone :)  I hope you had a wonderful day. This morning I woke up early went to breakfast then mass with Bridget. The only bad part of this day was walking all the way to Randall and Mickey's Dairy Barn being closed. It turned out okay though because we still got great breakfast :)

I finally got to make my eggs too! And I have many of them in my room so if anyone is hungry come on down and I will give a tye dyed glittery gift :)

Today has been odd though. Not spending time with family on Easter is hard. At least I get to see them in a few weeks. 

I saw The Kings Speech as well. It is about King George IV and his coming to reign while having a terrible stutter. The passion and hardships of someone so powerful is motivational. Everyone, please check it out.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sea of Red

Today was lovely outside. Perfect day for Spring football! Can't wait for the new season!

My friend Bridget and me with Bucky. Playa playa. 

As I am alone in my room right now I can't help but to think about what I would be doing at home. I would like to think I would be making cute little Easter eggs with my family just like this 

One thing that always bothers me is the near summer reconnections. Not like good friends that you haven't talked to reconnecting, but the "I've probably talked to you 5 times and now that you will be home for a summer I want to talk to you" reconnecting. I just don't get it. If you can't hold a longer conversation than "how are you" and "when you coming home" it's obvious you only want to hook up. Especially when I say I won't be back until the middle of may and don't get a response. Sorry I'm not sorry I'm not interested. Creepers.

Being back in Camp Randall was amazing. I love the atmosphere. Although the stadium was only about 1/6th filled being surrounded by Badger fans is always the best. 

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.
- E E. Cummings

Friday, April 22, 2011

April showers bring....?

As usual I am going to talk about the weather. Mostly for myself. Maybe I will read this in 10 years and wonder what it was like outside.  It's rainy, windy, and cold. I want warmth.

It's Easter weekend and I am stuck in my dorm room right now. Quite depressing I must say. Everyone is with their family while I am alone attempting to write a paper.

At least tonight my friend Bridget and I will be seeing No Strings Attached at the new Union South. Love that movie.

Throughout these last few weeks of hell I have to stay positive. 2 more years left. Thank goodness.

Tomorrow is the spring game. Can't wait! That means we're that much closer to football season, which I must say is the best couple months of the year. Hmm wonder how the Miami Dolphins will do this year. Awesome I bet.

Here is my quote of the blog :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Why is it still so cold in April?

High temp of 39. Cool. 

So as everyone knows today is 4/20. Honestly I could care less what you are doing. The only thing is why have to post it on Facebook, Twitter, etc., what your intention of this day is. Not only will you one day be working, businesses rarely DO NOT look through public history. Remember that. It is still illegal to do it and until then keep it a personal affair, don't risk your dream job letting other people know that you are "that cool" to be celebrating. Plus I think it's annoying to bombard my wall with your minute- to minute day plan regarding what you're listening to and when you're "going outside". With that said, I hope whatever you chose to do tonight, have fun and be safe.

10 days until all of Madison comes together and celebrates one block. MIFFLIN ST. YEAHH GUYS! You all know what I'm talking about. It's not the public intoxication I am excited about, but the chance to see people I haven't seen since last year. And spend one final day with all of my friends in hopefully (crossing my fingers) beautiful weather before finals week. 

Making a water bottle. I will post a picture of the finished product :)

I apologize if my blogging seems dull, or uninteresting. Hopefully I will get better at this writing thing. I have sucked since birth. 

Dream big, work hard- JJ Watt  (Sorry, I had to do it.)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hello world

I am officially joining the blogging world.

This is a lot harder than I thought. In my head I always have thoughts racing but to put them down is a lot harder. I will start off introducing myself. I am a sophomore at the University of Wisconsin- Madison majoring in legal studies and criminal justice. I will tell you my favorites now:
Food: Mac and cheese, and pizza. Pretty much anything with cheese
Shows: Glee, Real world
Teams: Badgers, Miami Dolphins, Minnesota Twins.

Today was a gross day. Many would guess that by the middle of April there wouldn't be any snow.... GUESS AGAIN!!

My new pomeranian pup Ella! Unfortunately she comes the weekend of Mifflin so I will not be able to see the nugget until after my exams. But it will be a wonderful thing to come home to. Right now she is 6 weeks old :)

Since I am a college student, I should get back to my paper writing. Until later!

"I believe that two people are connected at
the heart & it doesn’t matter what you do,
or who you are, or where you live; there are
no boundaries or barriers. If two people
are destined to be together, they will be."